The dataset is obtained from Chicago’s open source data. It contains Chicago Public High School information for the 2013-2014 school year. You can find it under Chicago Public Schools - High School Progress Report (2013-2014). Schools are mapped at the longitude and latitude they are located in. Each point is hoverable to view additional information.
Colors: Each point is a color gradient from red to green where red is performed relatively poor compared to the other schools, white is average, and green is well.
Buttons [First Row]: The individual button shows performance at the school level, and group button shows performance at the zip-code level where the size of the points correlates with how many schools are in that zip-code. Longitude and latitude in the group level corresponds to the average longitude and latitude of all the schools in the zip-code.
Buttons [Second Row]: The buttons at this level are the metrics that each point is evaluated at, ranging from college enrollment to test scores.